So here we go:

16 January: Streeetch!! An organic cotton Pumpkin Patch onesie with the favourite merino vest underneath.
17 January: It was a hot one! The wee guy wore lots of pocket nappies made by me for his older brother, and not a lot else.
18 January: Another hot one. And a busy one. By the time we got everyone under 3 processed and into bed for the day I could only get a picture of the moses basket which progressively had more items of worn clothing added to it. Top and pants from imba, the favourite merino vest (again!), and the little blue booties which I think my mother knitted... but memory fails me.
19 January: Hangin' out on the couch with his Dad and his big bro, he sported the pocket nappies again, and was swaddled in his goshorty giant muslin wrap most of the day. (This effing (insert expletive) heartburn/reflux/colic/whatever the hell he has, is just awful. Babies this little should not be in this much pain, especially when they're on medication for it. Argh!!! So he was swaddled and cuddled most of the day.)
20 January: Another pocket nappy hand-me-down, and another onesie hand-me-down: my sister and her husband gave the wee guy this onesie for Christmas 2008, and I love it. "i'm little but i know stuff". Hilarious!
21 January: Another pocket nappy, and in the top of the picture are the chocolate and spotty-cuffed pants that I made him and he still fits, but not for much longer!
22 January: Yeap. Another swaddle day. Simply Noise is my favourite website right now!
23-24 January: The new kid is wearing his darling garter knit cardy (I will be SO sad when he grows out of it!), the fave merino vest, and a patterned pocket nappy which was a 1st birthday present for the wee guy, from my luverly friend Catherine (of imba fame). Her sister designed the 'one size fits most' pattern that was used for this one and some of my pocket nappy creations, and it can be found on the Cosy Bundles website.
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