Phew! I'm
nearly there playing catchup with the daily Project Handmade Baby photos. To save a little time and effort, here's a quick rundown on the week of 1-7 January.
1 January: Handmade items worn were the previously featured cream merino knit singlet, and the olive merino booties. They go rather well with the chocolate brown
Nature Baby cotton pants that I'm sooo in love with.
2 January: Same as 1 January. It was a humid day so it was just the singlet, the
Real Nappies nappy and the goshorty muslin wrap at naptime.
3 January: Same merino singlet (can you tell I love that wee vest?!), and the previously featured dark brown alpaca slippers, knitted by yours truly. And the chocolate brown Nature Baby pants of course!

4 January: Before I got the chance to take a picture... the new kid ralphed on the cardy and it had to be put in the wash. But he wore this darling blue knitted cardy care of my aunty (it was worn often by the wee guy when he was this wee!) with a Bonds singlet and ... um ... I can't remember what else! (Baby brain anyone?)

5 January: I have previously mentioned the sideways knitted singlet/vest pattern from the Neonatal Trust 'Knitting for Prems' book... well this was my second but first successful attempt. Well, sort of. It was knitted in 2008 for the wee guy and I had no idea how to pick up stitches around neck and arm holes so it was left as a rather rectangular looking vest. Not like the other merino jobbie that he wears every day... But hey, it has character right?! And it does look rather dashing over a wee
JK baby onesie.

6 January: A lady my mother knows gave the wee guy this darling handknitted cardigan. It was a cool summer day so the thicker cardigan was able to be worn before it is grown out of. Eeek! Again we have the wee JK onesie, and little white
Nurtured by Nature pants which were a Christmas pressie from one of the Nannas. They are seriously soft and look great with either disposable nappies or cloth bums - plenty of room for clothies!
... and don't you love the muscle pose? Ex-body-builder-Dad must be proud.
7 January: The wee alpaca slippers are worn again, with a Nature Baby all-in-one suit which reminds us of Toby, the baby boy in the movie Labrynth (all together now: Dance, dance magic dance!!). I don't know
where that suit is at the moment and it's really getting my goat!!

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