16 May - matching the grey stripes on the JK snowbaby suit perfectly are these darling chunky wool slippers passed on from a friend. Her grandmother rings her and asks for requests for her kids because she has "got her knit on" - I love it!! We haven't had that much wear out of them unfortunately because a certain wee guy threw one of the slippers in the air and it's gone in 'that' space behind the couch where I can't bloody find it for the life of me. Grr.
17 May - Yeap, the duck booties. I figure they go with, well, EVERYthing!
18 May - and again. The duck booties. This picture did the rounds as I was lucky enough to catch the new kid Baby Planking, so it went on my facebook page, then my sister-in-law's, hirarious!! Oh and of course the daily handmade nappies and bibs, and dolly makes another appearance on the left.
19 May - a slightly better shot of the orange beanie, with a little vintage look care of an app on my iPhone (Happy Birthday iPhone, thanks in-laws!!).

21 May - a little morning tea at Maranui cafe to celebrate a friend's 30th! The lineny bib came in handy while the new kid started his quest to turn dribbling into a competitive sport... argh!!!
while driving the kids to unihoc the other day we saw a kid on the top of a car with a parental type with a camera then he pointed across the road...
so we looked.
And another kid was planking on a concrete letterbox.
Too funny!! :OD
Haha love it!! Safe planking is awesome. Kid planking is awesomer.
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